Since 2015, The Freight has been the go-to source for reliable and efficient information. With our steadfast motto of 'Click and Fix', we've revolutionized the system to better serve your needs.
To all our incredible users worldwide, we extend a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering trust and support. Your confidence in us has fueled our drive to innovate continuously.
Introducing Our Latest Upgrade: Unprecedented Insights!
Now, enjoy the power to track whether a vessel has visited your loading or discharging port previously. For those navigating sanctions in regions like Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and beyond, we've introduced a unique feature enabling visibility into vessel openness. Seamlessly find the ideal vessel for your cargo—all in a single, streamlined page, courtesy of The Freight.
Trust The Freight to simplify your shipping decisions and empower your global trade ventures. Explore efficiency like never before with us!
